Dmitry Markov, software engineer

Dmitry Markov

Frontend Developer / Software Engineer

Professional web engineer with 15+ years of experience in web and software development
  • Creating apps with React/Redux and Vue.js frameworks
  • Passionate to design systems, user interfaces, graphics and interactive prototypes
  • Experienced in web design, desktop and mobile apps
  • Have a deep knowledge of HTML, CSS/SASS/LESS, JavaScript/ESNext
  • Understand SPA development, REST/GraphQL APIs, component-based architecture, and mobile-first approach
  • Follow Clean Code practices and SOLID design patterns
  • Using TypeScript, Continuous Integration, ESlint, git, npm, webpack, gulp, pug, markdown
  • Testing with Jest,, Webdriver, Chai, Nightwatch, Sinon, Enzyme, Mocha, Puppeteer
  • Interested in DevOps and full-stack development with Node.js and SQL/noSQL databases
  • Mentoring students at HTML Academy on JavaScript and React courses


2020 — present

Software Engineer

Oxygen Technologies GmbH (Freiburg, DE)
  • Created Progressive Web Applications with Vue.js, Nuxt.js and Vuetify
  • Established e2e testing with
  • Set up frontend continuous integration with Jenkins and Gitlab
2019 — 2020

Senior Software Engineer

Allthings GmbH (Freiburg, DE)
  • Created interactive dashboard components for application with React, Typescript, CSS-in-JS and GraphQL
  • Wrote e2e and unit tests with Jest, Nightwatch and Webdriver
  • Participated in code review and technical discussions
  • Contributed to Node.js, PHP and React Native projects
2017 — 2019

Senior Software Developer

Luxoft Poland (Wroclaw, PL)
  • Worked for one of the most established financial institutes and participated in Digital Transformation program for U.S. branch
  • Developed and supported enterprise-level SPA with React/Redux from the scratch
  • Created library of shared reusable UI components according to customer's visual design specifications, consulted other teams about implementation
  • Participated in frontend architectural solutions and project's documentation process
  • Introduced code style guidelines, maintained linting rules and code review conventions
  • Conducted code reviews and technical interviews for senior positions in team and company
2015 — 2017

Frontend Web Developer / Team Lead

Complex pro (Moscow, RU)
  • Developed web applications with Vue.js and AngularJS frameworks
  • Managed web development team
  • Prototyped graphic and interactive elements with Adobe Experience Design and Bootstrap/jQuery
  • Supervised corporate portal and trained content managers
  • Wrote technical documentation and specifications
2010 — 2015

Web Developer

Complex pro (Moscow, RU)
  • Created graphical design and user interface for websites, desktop and mobile applications
  • Made responsive/adaptive layouts with HTML/CSS and Bootstrap framework
  • Designed style guidelines and provided UX analytics
  • Conducted search engines optimization and participated in marketing working groups
2004 — 2010

Software Engineer

Information supply center, Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation (Moscow, RU)
  • Developed and maintained official website of the Ministry of Defenсe with integral CMS
  • Consulted authorities and represented the Ministry on official tenders
  • Awarded for personal contribution, initiative and professionalism
2002 — 2004

Web Designer

Hubert Burda Publishing House (Moscow, RU)
  • Mastered websites and graphic design for «Chip Russia» magazine and its side projects
  • Created user interfaces and layout for «Enter» and «Photo & Video Digital» magazines
  • Wrote articles and IT books reviews for «Chip Russia» magazine



CS50's Web Programming with Python and JavaScript

HarvardX Online Education Program

Received experience in building scalable and secure web applications with Flask and Django frameworks, practiced continuous integration and development with Travis CI

2015 — 2016

Full Stack Web Developer

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Practiced in HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap, AngularJS, Ionic framework for hybrid mobile applications, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, test-driven development with Karma and Mocha, Gulp and Grunt automation tools #certificate


Engineer specialist

Moscow State Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation (Technical University)

Assessed A-grade score in English language, programming beginnings, communication systems and other studies. Received practice in software development with PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS and UI design



  • English — upper-intermediate (B2)
  • Russian — native
  • German, Polish, Bulgarian — basic

Volunteer Experience

Member of GTC (Global Translator Community): MOOC translations from English to Russian via Translate Coursera Program


Explore new things, listen music, play darts

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